Rust Belt Rust Oct 26 & 27 2017 Columbus OH
Rust Belt Rust 2017 will take place on Thursday October 26 & Friday October 27 at The Columbus Athenaeum in historic Columbus Ohio.
Featured Speakers

General admission tickets are $200 ($75 for students). The RustBridge workshop on day 1 for people who are underrepresented in tech is free (a $20 deposit holds your spot and will be refunded to you when you arrive). If you are attending RustBridge as well as day 2, please choose a Day 2 general admission or student ticket as appropriate.
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors; this conference wouldn't be possible without their support!
Our reduced hotel rate at the Residence Inn Columbus Downtown is no longer available, but many conference attendees are staying there. You are encouraged to use your regular hotel-finding tools to get the best available rate!
If you will need childcare, please email as soon as possible. We will work with you to find a licensed childcare provider at your hotel and will provide a stipend to cover the cost.
We have a Slack instance that you are welcome to join. Potential topics include things to do around Columbus before, during, and after the conference; your Rust projects; ideas for the unconference; or just arranging meals!
Rust Belt Rust is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Please see our code of conduct for more details.